Friday, July 17, 2009

Woke up Early #2

Dear Reader,

Thanks for your supportive messages and calls, baby's still not there, Yukyin has been suffering a lot more since yesterday, she is still feeling increasingly more painful contractions but at the same pace. She has been told that she won't be able to request an epidural and is very sad for that. So hope you don't mind praying for that :).

Her cervix has dilated to 1 cm since yesterday afternoon, still 9 cm to go!

I'll be going back to office and stay alert for any call as I can only stay in the corridor in the hospital. As I said yesterday, please contact me if you need an update.

Thanks :)


michael said...

Yeah, I will pray till the BB is born.
Can you go into the delivery room and accompany Yukyin when the baby is coming out? It's very important to Yukyin, as Serene reminds me almost once a month that she wants me to do that for her.

Valutin said...

Thanks Michael
Yup, I'll be there if they let me in.

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