Saturday, May 30, 2009

When purchasing bugs can shrink your wallet

Dear reader,

Another post today to talk about Chinese medicinal herbs. In order to get a better recovery, our postnatal helper asked us to get some herbs and other ingredients for different kind of soups.

Here is one of them:
Expensive Bugs

It's a kind of herb that looks like a bug, half herb, half bug, called Cordyceps. From what I understood, it's a fungus that grew on the head of a caterpillar, killing it... :D Yummy is it?

Thing is I should have less than 200gr but it cost 3k HKD (300EUR/350USD roughly) for this small pack. Trading gold is now has been... it's time to trade herbs.


mindofconcrete said...

Concrètement à quoi ça sert ?

Valutin said...

Ben je sais pas en fait... :)

Mais d'après ce que je lis, ça a pas mal de vertues pour la récupération, le métabolisme et tout.
Tu peux faire un tour ici:

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