Rear reader,
Today we celebrated our marriage anniversary. 6 long years, during which, we have been growing our love to each other. I learnt more about my wife, she learnt more about me, and this year has been marked by our will to be parents again. So after a big amount of prayers, of trying, Yukyin has a huge belly ready to give birth somewhere around next month.
A new challenge.
From the time we had Myrtille we learnt that we are not so patient anymore, we are less careful, we have less free time, we are older, I really enjoy sleeping some time. So sometimes, I am just wondering why we decided to get a new kid? But I do think it will help gather ours ties closer, Myrtille will learn what it is to share things at home, to share mum and dad's time. To live with a sibling. I always had my big brother, but I never knew how it was before I arrive in his life. Now, I can imagine through Myrtille's life and I think it won't be easy. At last, we want to build a family of 4 inside God's hands.
Yukyin's condition is fine, she is nearly at the end of her pregnancy and started to have all those different little things happening in her body that indicate the nearing of the end. I just want to ask you to pray for a smooth delivery. We are not so worried about the life with baby, we are more worried about how the delivery will actually happen. She had a c-section the first time and we would like to try giving her naturally.
Anyway, thanks for those beautiful 6 years, thanks for tonight's cake. I love you.
I pray that whoever you are, you live a happy tale with your half one. (If not, you can always drop me a comment, we'll pray for ya.)
See you soon.
Nice photo of you and your family. Congratulations to you all on your soon to arrive next new blessing. I'll pray for a safe and speedy and natural delivery.
Thanks Eugene, I pray for your family and hope that you'll live together soon.
Hihi, 6 ans déjà, eh beh ça en fait du chemin... Moi j'aborde à peine le 3e mois :D Et ma femme croit qu'on a juste passé un mois ensemble (suite au dernier groupe des mariés qu'on a hihi). En tout cas j'espère que tout va bien se passer et que nous allons compter un petit nouveau parmi nous bientôt :)
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