Dear Reader,
Here is our family last update, Lémuel has been under detox medication for around 9 weeks now, at his last doctor visit, the doctor decided to switch his medication from IV injection to oral intake, it allows the treatment to be given in a more stable way. We received Lémuel's food allergy test and Yukyin took the loving decision to live on rice, potatoes and sweet potatoes so that she does not trigger his allergies through breastmilk, I really thank God for such a loving wife, she is a model for me. In the same time, Yukyin got her heavy metal test result and she has 12 times the reference value for Lead, which is quite astonishing. Hence, she picked up on the treatment too, we'll see how she fares but her rashes has been under control so far.
Lémuel's skin is a bit better, we went from daily steroids to steroids once every two days, it does not mean that he is completely clean from rashes, it is just that his rashes does not peak suddenly one day to the other. First day after steroid application, he usually get a lighter tone, second day one would see clouds of red rashes a bit everywhere. In the last 3 weeks we have seen a slight improvement as on that second day, he has a bit less rashes every time. So we keep praying that he will get completely clean one day. Also, his rashes are a bit different from before, we do a lot of efforts to keep his rashes disinfected, as we moist them with a lot of greasy product and do a wet wrapped treatment at nighttime, it is important that his skin is free from bacteria before doing so, luckily, the doctor prescribed a disinfecting ointment that we can freely apply on his skin. That helps his skin being free from bacteria and avoid infection. His rashes are drier now, they don't ooze liquid as we could have in the past, which is a good thing.
Improvements... but at what cost? Yukyin's diet is boring and we are just staying home every week... hence you don't see a lot of pictures of them. Hopefully, we will finally have him off those medication and he will be able to start eating like a normal person.
Myrtille, on her side, is growing too, she is now in K2, she does love her brother, but we see some hints of hate and love relationship growing. She loves it when she manages to get him laughing non-stop, but she does not like that all of our time is spent taking care of him which is not so surprising but in the mid of despair, she surprisingly started to act like him in an attempt catch our attention. Anyway, we know her needs, we will address it, we just need help from above and from your prayers as always.
Thank you for your prayers and support to us.
Ah! Last thing, we are all sick, it started with Myrtille, then Mama, then, Lémuel and now me... Our helper is the one next on the list. Nowadays, our bodies are just unfit to fight against a simple flu.